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Dr. Anna Toulina, MD, PhD
Nov 19, 2016
Magic Ginger and it’s 11 health benefits
Ginger is among the healthiest (and most delicious) spice on the planet. Ginger is a flowering plant that originated in China. It belongs...

Dr. Anna Toulina, MD, PhD
Oct 15, 2016
Cucumbers, wasted calories or worthwhile medicine?
Cucumbers seem to have a pretty humble reputation in the natural health world. The most common opinion about these cylindrical green...

Dr. Anna Toulina, MD, PhD
Oct 4, 2016
Brazilian Wasp Venom – cancer cure, or not?
Insects in general and wasps especially, in our minds are usually thought of as a creatures carrying potential trouble. However, some...

Dr. Anna Toulina, MD, PhD
Sep 25, 2016
Turmeric vs Curcumin – What is the Difference?
The plant turmeric Curcuma Longa is very well known in India. The root is harvested, cleaned, dried, and powdered to be used as a spice...

Dr. Anna Toulina, MD, PhD
Sep 19, 2016
Green Tea Types and Benefits
Green Tea Types and Benefits SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 We all know how beneficial Green Tea is for our diet. However,it should be distinctly...
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